University of Architecture&Urbanism Ion Mincu (U.A.U.I.M.)
Lighting Design Workshop
Workshop: Lighting Design
Coordinators: conf. dr. arh. Cristina Pana, arh. int. scenograf Silvia Ionescu, asist. dr. arh. Razvan Lacraru
Light designer: arh. int. Roxana Mitarca
Lighting Fixtures: zumtobel group
Location: UAU Ion Mincu
Lighting Design Workshop in cadrul Universitatii de Arhitectura&Urbanism Ion Mincu (UAUIM)
Iata-ne sarbatorind 15 ani minunati de Arhitectura de Interior si Design, in cadrul Universitatii de Arhitectura & Urbanism, Ion Mincu - unul dintre cele mai prestigioase institutii din acest domeniu in Romania. 15 ani vechime, insa tineri si nelinistit, nu ne puteam imagina o idee mai potrivita de a sarbatori acest eveniment, precum organizarea unui workshop jucaus cu studentii din cadrul universitatii.
Astfel ne-am adunat in cadrul acestui joc creativ si distractia a inceput…Fara presiune, fara note, doar entuziasm impletit cu notiuni utile despre cum lumina influenteaza obiectele din jur, cum poate produce umbre (ne)intentionate si cum putem redirectiona lumina daca o proiectam pe diferite suprafete.
Am format grupuri de studenti si fiecare grup si-a creat propria tema. Subiectul principal a fost nimic altceva mai potrivit ca Ion Mincu, fiind vorba de aniversarea celor 15 ani, desigur! Astfel, fiecare grup a abordat tema in felul lui, insa pastrand autenticitatea subiectului.
A fost captivant sa vezi cat de diferite sunt viziunile fiecarui student, in timp ce isi rezuma experienta de-a lungul a ce lor 5 ani din cadrul Facultatii de Arhitectura.
Lighting Design Workshop at University of Architecture&Urbanism Ion Mincu (UAUIM)
Here we are celebrating 15 wonderful years of Interior Architecture and Design at the University of Architecture & Urbanism, Ion Mincu - one of the oldest and most important academic institution in this field in Romania. 15 years older in life, still young and restless, we just couldn't imagine a better idea to mark the celebrations for this great event but with a little Lighting Game with the students from the University.
So all of us go into this creative workshop mode and the fun began in no time...No pressure, no grading, just pure fun and lots of excitement mixed with amazing enjoyable facts about how light hits objects, how it can cast (un)intentional multiple shadows and how one can redirect light if you project it on special textures.
Divide into teams and conquer, we thought, so we divided ourselves into random groups and we chose our topic as a team. There was no better subject that Ion Mincu itself for the 15 years of their celebration of course! So, each group had to approach the idea with uniqueness and still maintain the authenticity of the subject.
I really could see how captivating it was to pick the brains of these talented young minds in that room and see how they tried to sum up their theoretical experience gather in college during all those 5 years.
Ne-am jucat si cu culori! Un grup a ales sa proiecteze pe silueta cladirii Universitatii, cele trei culori - Rosu, Verde si Albastru, incercand sa materializeze ideea a trei perspective/abordari diferite dobandite in cadrul experientei de-a lungul anilor, ce in final duc toate in acelasi punct, anume culoarea ALBA. Sau poate sa se fi referit la experienta in Arhitectura? (Inca incercam sa descifram aceasta metafora :D aveti rabdare cu noi)
Piesa principala a fost Instalatia Texturata. Aici am descoperit cum putem manipula lumina. In mod normal, vedem lumina cand aceasta este proiectata pe o suprafata. In acest fel putem sa trisam un pic in ceea ce priveste directia perceputa (da, da, tare ingenios, stim!)
Avand un fundal intunecat fara nici o alta lumina in jurul impletiturii, a fost usor sa cream iluzia ca lumina poate fi directionata. Am adaugat, de asemenea, putina culoare si aici, pentru a condimenta un pic lucrurile. :)
We also wanted to play around with color! One group chose to use the cut out of the University silhouette they produced and hit them with all the three colors - Red, Green, and Blue. A genuine attempt to try to play around with the metaphor of various perspectives/approaches learned during their studies, that in the end lead to the one and only light color, which is WHITE. Or maybe it was a clear Architecture skill? (We are still trying to figure out the metaphor :D Please do bear with us)
The main part was the Texture installation. Here we learned how we can guide light. Usually, we get to experience light when we have something to project it on. Actually this way we can trick or in other words deceive its path! (yes..yes, quite witty, we do realize!)
Having our dark surroundings and with nothing else but the wireframe, we were able to create an illusion that we can manipulate the light’s path. We also threw some color to get some kick :)
Dupa o zi plina, experimentul nostru a ajuns la final. Ne-am jucat si am testat Culori, Umbre, Texturi, chiar si un mic sistem de control, pe frecventa radio cu muzica… practic am trecut prin toate si am fost tare fericiti :D
Felicit acesti tineri isteti si entuziasmati si sper sa ramana veseli in continuare, nu de alta dar doar ce am implinit 15 ani, mai e cale lunga!!
After almost a complete day, our experiment came to its end. We played and tested with Colors, Shadows, Textures, and we even controlled light on music waves. We pretty much covered it all and happily smiled at ourselves and pat each other on the back for a job well done :D
I applaud these bright young minds and their enthusiasm and really hope they keep it fresh and keep going. After all, these souls just turned 15 and they still have Miles to go!!