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Bioadaptive Light


Omul este factorul principal in proiectele de amenajare office de azi

Arhitectura, designul de interior si iluminatul se axeaza din ce in ce mai mult pe necesitatile angajatilor si activitatile acestora.

Lumina este un element esential pentru un mediu de lucru confortabil in spatii de tip open space, sali de conferinta, receptie, zone de relaxare sau holuri. O solutie simpla, dar cu corpuri de iluminat adecvate fiecarei zone poate tranfsorma orice birou intr-un loc ideal de lucru.

Lumina personalizata ne face sa ne simtim bine

Smart Lighting Control permite crearea a grupuri de lumini, ceea ce ofera flexibilitate in reglarea intensitatii luminoase de catre cei care lucreaza in birou. Astfel angajatii isi pot personaliza zona de lucru, sau chiar stinge complet, daca au terminat mai devreme fata de alti colegi.

Lumina te face fericit!

Iluminatul bioadaptiv este un concept important in ziua de astazi, considerand ritmul alert de lucru, precum si spatiile de birouri. Din nefericire spatiile de birouri nu au mereu parte de lumina naturala peste tot, de aceea suntem nevoiti sa suplimentam cu lumina artificiala, aceasta devenind in timp principala noastra sursa de lumina. Drept urmare lumina artificiala are rol biologic de reglare a ritmului circadian, precum lumina naturala.

Lumina nu influenteaza doar vizibilitatea, ci sustine nivelul emotional si reprezinta un factor important in ceea ce priveste procesul psihologic. Stralucirea, temperatura de culoare a luminii naturale reprezinta un punct de reper pentru organism in procesul de reglare a cortisolului, serotoninei si a melatoninei. Acesti hormoni influenteaza ciclul somn-veghe pe durata celor 24 de ore. Un tipar standard ar ti de 8 ore de somn si 16 ore de stare activa. Mentinerea acestui ciclu previne deteriorarea nivelului fizic cat si psihic al organismului, si anume evitam oboseala si depresia.


Man is the main element in today’s office interior design concepts

Architecture, interior design, and lighting is more and more focused on the needs of the employees and their daily activity.

Light is an essential part of a comfortable environment in offices such as open space, conference rooms, front desk area, lounge or hallways. A simple solution, but with the right luminaires for each function can transform any office into an ideal working place.

Custom lighting gives us a sence of well being

Smart Lighting Control allows us to create groups of lights, which means flexibility, allowing the employees to adjust the light level according to their needs. This way they can customize their working area, or even completly shut it off, if they finish work earlier.

Light makes you happy!

Bioadaptive lighting is an important concept today, considering the intense routine and the working environment. Unfortunately, the today office space doesn’t always have the best natural light, therefore we usually need to use the artificial light, that slowly turns into our main source of light. That being considered, artificial light has a biological part in balancing our circadian rhythm such as the natural light does.

Light doesn’t only affect our sight, but it can influence our emotional state and represents an important factor in our psychological process. The brightness, the color temperature of the natural light is a key element for our biological process regarding hormones such as cortisol, serotonin, and melatonin. These hormones affect the sleep-wake cycle during the 24 hour period. A standard cycle is formed by 8 hours of sleep and 16 of awake time. Maintaining this cycle is essential for preventing physical and psychical damage of our bodies, which means we avoid fatigue and depression.

Lighting Control