Conform studiilor, toti ne potrivim intr-una dintre cele trei tipologii de client
Super ocupat si grabit, tanar si dinamic sau reponsabil si organizat, toti avem magazine preferate care ne-au castigat increderea.
Amenajarea spatiului comercial este legata de profilul acestuia, dar chiar si asa gasim diferite abordari in functie de clientul tinta a fiecarui brand.
Potrivit echipei Gruppe Nymphenburg si echipei Zumtobel, in studiul Limbic Lighting pe tema solutiilor de iluminat pentru grupuri tinta de clienti in magazine, exista trei abordări ale solutiilor de proiectare a iluminatului.
Grup 1 - ECHILIBRU: persoane dornice de armonie si relaxare
Aceasta tipologie de clienti organizati-familisti apreciaza mai mult spatiile cu accente moderate de lumina. Se pare ca acesti clienti prefera magazinele cu lumina generoasa in zonele de marcat si pe zonele de expunere a articolelor vestimentare. Se simt mai confortabil in spatiile luminate vertical si uniform atat pe rafturi cat si in zone periferice, in jurul insulelor de expunere, dar si cateva accente fine de lumina in scafe si pe unele mese, par sa fie atractive.
Este de preferat un spatiu bine luiminat, insa cu lumina calda, pentru a mentine un mediu relaxant si controlat.
Grup 2 - STIMULANT: aventurieri nonconformisti
Al doilea grup de clienti se refera la cei care adora riscul si aventurile. Aventurierii sunt genul de oameni care se plictisesc repede, entuziasmul este un factor esential in activitatile lor zilnice.
S-a observat ca acest tip de client reactioneaza bine in spatiile cu contraste mari de lumina. Solutiile de iluminat cu distributie ingusta, concentrata pe zona caselor de marcat si pe zonele de expunere, sunt o abordare buna pentru a mentine un nivel de mister atragator.
Nivelul de lumina este redus fata de cel din categoria anterioara, astfel scenariile de lumina neutra cu accente sigur nu vor plictisi publicul.
Grup 3 - DOMINANT: critici
A treia categorie de refera la cei sceptici, constant nemultumiti, care vor pleca imediat cum ceva nu se ridica la nivelul standardelor lor. Acest tip de client prefera spatiile luminate inegal.
Acest grup a reactionat pozitiv la solutiile de iluminat neuniform, cu accente de lumina in cabinele de proba cat si pe zonele de etalare a articolelor vestimentare.
Lumina neutra este cea mai buna alegere pentru a obtine un spatiu bine luminat si curat, dar poate fi combinata cu lumina calda in zone clar definite.
Desi este greu de observat din prima, s-a dovedit ca fiecare grup raspunde diferit la fiecare tip de iluminat.
Pe langa gama de produse preferate, suntem atrasi de anumite magazine sau brand-uri si pentru cum este amenajat spatiul si cu atat mai posibil si pentru cum ne influenteaza lumina din mgazin. In functie de lumina din spatiu stii daca atmosfera din acel spatiu este ok sau chiar placuta, lucru ce te fac sa petreci si mai mult timp la cumparaturi!
Studies show that we all fit in one of the 3 categories of client type
Either you are very busy, therefore in a hurry, young and restless, or responsible and organized, there are specific shops that we grew fond of and seem to have won our trust.
The layout of the retail space is very much connected to the profile of the shop, but even so, we find different approaches according to each specific client target of each brand.
According to Gruppe Nymphenburg and Zumtobel team, in their Limbic Lighting Study on target group lighting shop and retail areas, there are three approaches to lighting design solutions.
Group 1 - BALANCE: persons looking for harmony and relaxation.
This rather harmony-focused family type of group seems to prefer the moderate accent lighting. They seem to prefer shops that have a mixture of well lit POS areas and direct light on the goods displayed. They feel more comfortable in shops with uniform vertical lighting on shelves, in peripheral zones, and around displays, dimmed accent lights in coves and display cabinets seem to be attractive too.
It’s preferable to have a high level but warm lit space, to keep a certain relaxed and controlled ambiance.
Group 2 - STIMULANCE: unconventional adventurers.
The second group refers to fun and risk-loving adventurers. These are the people that get bored quickly, the need for excitement is an important factor in their daily activities.
Being a retail space, where we usually spend our free time, we need relaxing light but also mentain a certain level of stimulant.
It’s a fact that these time of people responses better to lighting scenarios with marked contrasts. Accent lighting, sharp lights on POS areas and clothes display is a good way to light your shop if you want to keep these guys interested. The overall light level should be lower than in the first group, neutral sharp light so you don’t bore your audiance.
Group 3 - DOMINANCE: critical persons
This third group is formed by skeptics, easily unsatisfied individuals, that leave if you do not meet their expectations. This type of client is sensitive to unbalanced lighting concepts.
This group showed positive responses to high uniformity lighting solutions, with accent lighting integrated into changing rooms and clothing displays.
Neutral light is the best way to obtain a clean well-lit space, but you can mix it up with warm lighting in specific areas.
While hardly noticeable with the naked eye, it’s been proved that each group responds differently to each type of lighting approach.
Aside from the product, you are loyal to a certain brand or shop also due to its design and very possible because of its light that influences your mood. This is how you find the atmosphere in a shop acceptable or even pleasant and you might spend more time shopping there!